The site is located to the south of Ebbsfleet International train station To the east of the site is the High Speed 1 railway line and to the southeast is the current Springhead Parkway development. The composite Bridge Spans the River Ebbsfleet.
The site is located to the south of Ebbsfleet International train station To the east of the site is the High Speed 1 railway line and to the southeast is the current Springhead Parkway development. The composite Bridge Spans the River Ebbsfleet.
The bridge reduced travel times on foot from Springhead Park to the station from 25 minutes to eight minutes and provide health benefits by encouraging people to walk to the station and providing a direct route to Ebbsfleet Central; The 2 span 80m long bridge required work inside 3No permanent sheet piled cofferdams. The associated substructure was founded on concrete piles. Reinforced concrete abutments were located to the north and south of the structure with a central support provided by 3No reinforced concrete columns.
The superstructure is comprised of 3 no-weathering steel braced pair 'l' beams with a reinforced concrete deck. Crane and Temporary works management was a key part of our work on the project with a large no. of heavy crane visits required to be planned and executed throughout the duration of the works.